Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria

Taasisi ya Mafunzo ya Uanasheria kwa Vitendo Tanzania (LST)

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Results of the 35th Cohort, Special First Sitting and Supplementary for candidates who sat their examinations with the 35th Cohort in FEs, and 36th Cohort in ICAs & WPEs
13 Oct, 2023

Kindly be notified, the results have been posted in your Saris accounts and can now be accessed using your accounts credentials.

Visit the Students Records System link in the website or Click HERE


With exception of 35th and 34th Cohort who can use their Index numbers to login, others can use the Instructions below if they haven’t changed their password.

To log in:


REG No: LST/2025/45/001

Username: lst202545001

Default Password/First password (Only if not changed): Lst@1234


Exception COHORT 29 and 28.  Kindly use your Registration numbers as username and password use Lst@1234


REG NO: LST/2018/28/1980

Username: LST/2018/28/1980

Password: Lst@1234 (Only if was not changed)

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Kuanzisha Enzi Mpya katika Udhibiti wa Sekta ya Michezo ya Kubahatisha nchini Tanzania

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