Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Wizara ya Katiba na Sheria

Taasisi ya Mafunzo ya Uanasheria kwa Vitendo Tanzania (LST)

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Taratibu za Msaada wa Kisheria

The LST-LAC provision of service is based on a set of criteria namely:
1.    Time frame testing
The time of the matter pursued and the accrued time from the date the cause of action aroused will be examined. LST-LAC is guided by the Law of Limitation Act of the time being in assessing the admissibility of any legal aid case.

2.    Indigence determination
In determining whether the client is indigent or not, the LST-LAC uses the indigence determination assessment criteria which includes:

a.    Means Test
LST LAC shall make sure that a person applying for legal aid is an indigent.

b.    Proof of Means
LST LAC requires a proof from such person of his/her income [formal or informal]. LST LAC considers the following as proof of source of income:-
(i) An official salary slip;
(ii) A letter of confirmation from employer;
(iii) A certified bank statement;
(iv) Any relevant tax assessment;
(v) Letter from local government Authority;
(vi) TASAF ID; or
(vii) Print out of an electronically generated Means Test as evidence on all issues
3.    Interest of Justice for Subject matter test.
Under this criteria the following are the test considered:
a.    Public Interest and strategic cases
b.    Prospects of Success
c.    Furtherance of Criminal Justice
d.    Vulnerability Test

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